It’s been 5 years since the real estate agency Villa Mia started its operations. In such a short period, we have firmly established ourselves in the national premium real estate market and gained recognition from our clients. Our original branding, after a few years, became insufficient, especially as Villa Mia’s growth exceeded our expectations. Read more about how we’re changing and what we’ve done to ensure that our rebranding is not only spectacular but also effective.
Why are we rebranding?
The Villa Mia brand made its debut in the real estate market in the capital city in 2018. We made good use of the times of prosperity and, during this intense period, we laid the solid foundations of our business. We developed so quickly that our image has already become slightly outdated, so it’s high time to refresh our website and social media accounts.
Sales and marketing are evolving dynamically, not only in the context of real estate. The trends we planned our communication around five years ago have changed several times. Therefore, to maintain high standards in customer contact, we are undergoing a transformation of our online presence. The new image is also a step forward for our employees, who receive new tools to build relationships with their surroundings.
– explains Radosław Wojak, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Villa Mia.
What does real estate agency rebranding involve?
A change in image is a comprehensive operation consisting of many stages. Without a specific plan and clearly defined goals, it is very easy to stand still and lose sight of the desired direction. Contrary to appearances, transformation in the real estate industry does not differ significantly from actions taken by companies in other industries. Rebranding enables the achievement of many different goals, such as consolidating a new market position, adapting to changing trends, or integrating multiple brands within one group. In our case, we focused on achieving the first two goals.
At Villa Mia, we focus on developing the strong personal brand of our agents. Working with real estate is a relationship-based profession, so visibility on social media is an invaluable asset in ongoing customer interactions. Rebranding helps provide our employees with new resources that will enable them to work even better and more satisfyingly.
– adds Karolina Ziemnicka, President of Villa Mia.
Real Estate in the World of Social Media
High-quality real estate services are appreciated not only by customers but also by industry organizations. In 2020, Villa Mia received the second prize in the Otodom competition for the best agency in the Mazovia region. Two years later, we won in the Wizjery 2022 competition in the category of the best real estate presentation video. These awards not only bring us great satisfaction but, above all, confirm that we are heading in the right direction. The course we set five years ago is leading us to more successful transactions.
In the Warsaw premium real estate market, our clients expect high-quality photo and video materials from us. To maintain our good reputation, we adapt to changing realities, including in social media. Today, video content is essential in real estate presentations. Short videos on platforms like Instagram or TikTok reach potential buyers faster than even the best photos posted on real estate listing websites.
When I enter an apartment that I need to find a tenant for, I immediately record short videos, which I later edit into a stylish video presentation and post on my social media. By cleverly tagging my content, I reach people who are genuinely interested in such offers. This way, I reach them much faster, even before they decide to visit a real estate listing website. Therefore, our rebranding is intended to support our colleagues in unconventional activities and give them the impetus to achieve their goals.
– explains Aleksandra Wojak, Social Media Manager and Real Estate Agent at Villa Mia.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority
Wszystkie te działania mają za zadanie zapewnić naszym klientom świetne doświadczenia i satysfakcję z nawiązania współpracy z Villa Mia. Wysoka jakość obsługi to nasz priorytet. Dlatego między innymi zmieniamy kolorystykę czy rozkład stron internetowych. Wszystko po to, aby odwiedzający je klienci łatwiej i szybciej otrzymywali poszukiwane przez nich informacje. Sprawna komunikacja, przejrzysta oferta i jasno postawione cele to klucz do sukcesu w branży nieruchomości.
The brand itself, even the best one, doesn’t sell. People who work on their personal and corporate image stand behind every company. We want our employees to grow under our wings. That’s why this rebranding is closely related to the needs and expectations of the Villa Mia team. We want to attract customers’ attention to our offers, so we focus on a subtle aesthetics that won’t distract from the substance – which is the wonderful real estate properties in Warsaw and the surrounding areas.
– summarizes Radosław Wojak.